Saturday, January 17, 2009

Looking for others with all of the following,Pseudobstruction, J tube G tube TPN dependant neurogenic bladder and stomach


  1. What a sweetheart. Jessie said that Macey is her BEST friend now. It was such a nice visit, and Macey looks so good. Lilly is so grown-up. Hope to see you soon.

  2. Hi, My name is Linda and I am the mother of a child with Neurogenic bladder, his name is David and he is in Childrens Specialized Hospital in New Brunswick NJ. I am in search for a doctor who can help him. He is going in for a g tube placement on Tuesday. There is a lot to tell you about this but in short, he had a mitrofanoff catheter placed and it has gone bad. The surgeon who did this surgery has lost my confidence. Can I somehow contact you to find out more and perhaps avoid anything more than what David has gone through? my email address is thank you

  3. my nephew is 10 months old and has been diagnosed with neurogenic pseudoobstruction. We've just been told that he will need a small bowel transplant. We are desperate because all we've heard about it is how bad the survival rate is. Can you please share your experience with us?? Any experiences or information that may help us. Thank you

    my email address is

  4. Babesia - Parasites?
